
  • Julio Eleazer Nendissa Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Transformasi Indonesia Author



Ethics, Pastoral Counseling, Pastors, Congregations


It is important for a Pastor in his ministry as a servant of God to know his duties and calling. In this
case, not only as a preacher but also as a counselor who builds relationships with the congregation. As
a counselor, the Pastor must practice pastoral counseling services and first understand ethical issues.
The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the ethics of the Pastor's pastoral counseling
services for congregations experiencing problems in their lives. In this paper, the author uses a
qualitative research method with a descriptive approach and data collection techniques using literature
in the form of journals, books, articles related to this research so that he can collect data accurately
and precisely. Based on a review of the literature, the author finds that the ethics of pastoral
counseling services are humanitarian in nature, the role of pastoral counseling in the lives of
congregations experiencing problems, and a Pastor must have pastoral counseling ethics in which
there are 4 principles, namely confidentiality, responsibility, awareness of limitations as a Counselor,
and knowing basic needs of the congregation. Therefore, various ethics of the Pastor's pastoral
counseling services must be practiced with the congregation so that they can feel the warmth, care
and togetherness of a Pastor.


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How to Cite

ETIKA PELAYANAN KONSELING PASTORAL PENDETA BAGI JEMAAT. (2024). ATOHEMA: Jurnal Teologi Pastoral Konseling, 1(2), 37-47.

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